Wednesday, April 10, 2019

What a day!

Starting early just before the break of dawn, I climbed on to my catch ride for the day, goal was to just have a nice cruise and enjoy the sunny morning at HITS Coachella, hoping for nothing dramatic! This was no normal steed , but a sweet sleek old girl that had her experiences and was well tuned, given the nudge she jumped forward with a lurch and within a short blazing run we were airborne.... Literally!

My ride today had a breeding that was all about catching the soaring altitude, Cessna (stam) 310.... For those curious here's she is! 
Being that I had not flown in a small plane in some years even though I had flown a bit myself earlier in life as my dad had owned a plane, it never ceases to excite me to sliding in behind the controls and know I'll be up in the air soon, soaring the heights. The  flight down was relatively easy until we were just about to leave the mountainous are NW of Palm Springs there we had a pretty "bumpy" flight for about 10 minutes, nothing that bothered me but I know some might have had a heart flutter, just like when your horse feels like they want to turn around on a very narrow trail on the side if a mountain! After the bumps and over Palm Springs everything became smooth, with the Salton sea in the distance and then we were on final approach for the Jacqueline Cochran regional airport and soon landed with a slight cross wind adjacent to the show grounds.

Once we taxied into the Dessert Jet Center where we were greeted by our flight deck crew and office staff with happy smiles and outstanding service. Within a few minutes after that we closed up the plane, we were whisked away in the courtesy car to the HITS Coachella show office, where  the staff pleasantly greeted us. I noticed as we had driven through the entrance the show grounds had grown into its self nicely, since the years ago that I had shown there.

We grabbed a daily schedule and I had my goal to get to the GP berm and catch the 1.40 meter classes that were already beginning. Walking up the main lane and turning to the VIP area I saw a few familiar faces in the distance and it felt like a small desert homecoming to me, this is the horse show which first was  located in Indio and where many of my friends and also competitors gathered for many seasons, not only to try and best each other in tactics and internal fortitude, but to share commonly the fantastic athleticism of our equine partners we all love and with whom many have dedicated a lifetime to.

Walking up onto the berm I first meet Ray Texel, a fellow local to my area, another lifetime equestrian, we quickly caught up on the latest and talked about the current show and the future plans we look forward to. On to the "gate" of the GP ring and as some who know me I can't help but be a joker, I noticed the area was clear of people, so I walked up to the booth and announced in a desperate sounding voice at I had 2 adds and they are getting off the trailer now! For those of you who may not know, a late added horse to a class is one of the frustrations at the gate! Along with a rather late arriving rider it is near the top of a list of pains, so I joke with gate sometimes and always they look at me at first in disbelief then just a grin, this time quipping "lol on that one"!

Lucky for me as I stepped behind a horse going by I met up with Richard Spooner, whom I have not spoken too since the Sacramento International some years back. Richard was all smiles and after introducing my friend and plane owner, we talked about various stuff, I told a story of how one day here at HITS Coachella, I was showing this cute little mare from Oregon. While standing at the gate third to go, how it was a long sleepy afternoon and I had just closed my eyes for a moment , then heard someone talking to my horse in soft tones., Opening my eyes, I look upon Richard, whom had her head cradled in his arms, sweet talking her and she was going fast asleep! I semi accused him of un-sportsmanship, it being a ploy to set our performance back, lol! We both laughed over that.

Moving on to the bleachers we had the opportunity to watch some great rounds by 1.40m riders and horses, in the break before the big class we took lunch in the cafeteria, a hubbub of spectators, equestrians, family and staff.Then a quick trip back to the stands to see the $30,000 Grand Prix class.

It was a real mix at this level of the experienced horse and riders just trying to get qualified for the AIG million on Sunday to the up and coming young horses and riders riding at the top of their game, testing the water at the 1.40 meter level G.P. Watching the efforts of the horses you can see the fantastic athleticism in each, the big gallops and the huge efforts to clear big spreads and adjusting for the problems the course designer set.
I was happy to watch both Richard Spooner and my friend and former teacher Richard Fellers ride with impeccable ability, of course I had to cheer on Mandy Porter on WT Leapfrog who happens to be a 1/2 brother (by Liocaylon) to my up and coming mare Bay Breeze. 

There were many more riders I knew who gave a great performance on a nice track that was set with some areas consistently challenging more than a few, with often one rail down and a few unlucky eliminations, but 12 got qualified for jump off! In the end it was Un Diamant des Forets, ridden by Jim Ifko who laid down the burning track to first, followed by Ifko's second mount Celine la Silla for a one ,two finish. Third went to Ali Ramsey and CASINO and fourth with Hugh Mutch close up on Killossery Kuidam! 

As it turned out it was a wonderful way to spend an otherwise work day, I rarely give myself that time off like a lot of self employed people I tend to go, go, go....till I drop! This day was great in so many ways, the satisfaction to do something that has been one of my greatest loves since childhood and that is flying coupled with another love that is horses and everything about them. It could be roping, cross country,working cow horse/reigning, jumping, extreme trail, freestyle or dressage, I love all aspects of horses! Though I am drawn to jumping it's just being with horses and horse people, that comadre and competition and seeing the wonderful athletes going for it.

Looking back after takeoff it seemed hard to believe the day went so fast, there in the distance and growing smaller by the minute the barns and arenas were slowly closing down for the meet. 

"Heads up" for another adventure soon!
Ride on!

Clayton Jackson, April 2019

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